Study Provenance trial: Test de comparaison de provenances de chene sessile - 181000501

Test de comparaison de provenances de chene sessile - 181000501
Data link
Project name
Started on 1996-01-01
Location name
Data files
Accession number | Name | Taxon |
301 | 301 | Quercus petraea |
302 | 302 | Quercus petraea |
303 | 303 | Quercus petraea |
305 | 305 | Quercus petraea |
306 | 306 | Quercus petraea |
307 | 307 | Quercus petraea |
308 | 308 | Quercus petraea |
309 | 309 | Quercus petraea |
311 | 311 | Quercus petraea |
312 | 312 | Quercus petraea |
313 | 313 | Quercus petraea |
314 | 314 | Quercus petraea |
315 | 315 | Quercus petraea |
316 | 316 | Quercus petraea |
317 | 317 | Quercus petraea |
318 | 318 | Quercus robur |
320 | 320 | Quercus petraea |
325 | 325 | Quercus petraea |
326 | 326 | Quercus petraea |
328 | 328 | Quercus petraea |
330 | 330 | Quercus petraea |
Variable ID | Variable short name | Variable long name | Ontology name | Trait description |
CO_357:0000006 | BarkR | Bark roughness | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the roughness of the part of the stem that is external to the wood or xylem, including the vascular cambium: the bark |
CO_357:0000010 | BF_score_BL | Broadleaves budflush scoring | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of bud break |
CO_357:0000019 | CIR | Tree circumference | Woody Plant Ontology | Circumference of the tree main stem |
CO_357:0000021 | COM | Comments | Woody Plant Ontology | Observations on the tree, unsystematic and somewhat anecdotal |
CO_357:0000040 | FOR | Shape | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the shape of the tree |
CO_357:0000045 | GEL | Frost damage | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of frost damages |
CO_357:0000048 | HT | Tree total height | Woody Plant Ontology | Total height of the tree, from the ground to the tallest part of the crown |
CO_357:0000050 | HBV | Height first living branch | Woody Plant Ontology | Height of the branch |
CO_357:0000056 | MAR_n6 | Marcescence - rating on 6 | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the marcescence, the retention of dead plant organs that normally are shed such as the withering of leaves without falling off |
CO_357:0000058 | NBBR | Branches number | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the tree branches density |
CO_357:0000061 | NBFO | Forks number | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of forks quantity, appearance of sequential branches with an inclination angle greater than 45° |
CO_357:0000082 | SUR | Survival | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the survival state of the tree |
Data Set
Role | Name | Institution | |
Propriétaire du terrain | Foret Domaniale | ||
Scientific | Alexis DUCOUSSO | | BIOGECO - Biodiversité Gènes et Communauté |
Gestionnaire | Dominique VEISSE | | GBFor - UE Génétique et Biomasse Forestières |
Additional information
Bloc number | 16 |
Breeding | Pepiniere de Guemene Penfao. Semis en 88, manuel en pleine terre a densite identique. Milieu Limono-sablo-argileux (45% ,40%, 15%) fertilise. Dispositif en blocs incomplets mais avec densite unique. Pas de repiquage, mais cernage-soulevage en 93. Arrachage, tri des plants et constitution du dispositif en decembre 1995. |
Experimental area | 1,61 |
GIDE ID | 7299601 |
Genetic unit number | 21 |
Planter | E. Bertocchi, JM. Louvet, A. Lardit (INRA) et B. Dasse et G. Chauveaut (ONF) |
Planting comments | Dispositif installe sur la parcelle 23ie, a l'Est du chemin menant de la D 28 a la MF de la Bosse. |
Plot number per bloc | 8 |
Plot number per genetic unit | 0 |
Seedling number per plot | 24 |
Soil preparation | Coupe, 04/92 Grillage: 15 rouleaux, 09/92Dessouchage 2ha 50a, 11/92 Achat 100 pieux, 12/93 Complement 2 rouleaux de grillage, 06/94Curage fosse 200 ml, 07/95 Nettoyage mecanique au gyrobroyeur, 08/95 Traitement chimique, 09/95 Labour et reprise de labour. |
Total area | 2,5 |
Total seedling number | 4014 |
Trial seedling number | 3072 |