Study Provenance trial: Verdun

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Project name
Started on 1968-03-08
Location name
Accession number | Name | Taxon |
37189 | ALAC | Pinus nigra |
12488 | ASPR | Pinus nigra |
37168 | AYAN I | Pinus nigra |
37195 | BAVE | Pinus nigra |
37183 | CANT | Pinus nigra |
37193 | CAZO | Pinus nigra |
37187 | COSE | Pinus nigra |
37191 | CRIM | Pinus nigra |
37175 | EMBR | Pinus nigra |
12477 | GAGN | Pinus nigra |
37192 | GRAN | Pinus nigra |
37179 | KOEK II | Pinus nigra |
37185 | KUST | Pinus nigra |
12484 | LBAR II G | Pinus nigra |
37188 | LBPA | Pinus nigra |
37177 | MARG | Pinus nigra |
37190 | MARM | Pinus nigra |
37178 | MATA | Pinus nigra |
37184 | MEND | Pinus nigra |
37181 | MSMA | Pinus nigra |
37197 | ROMA | Pinus nigra |
37194 | SGUL | Pinus nigra |
37180 | TART I | Pinus nigra |
37176 | TART II | Pinus nigra |
37173 | TRCO | Pinus nigra |
37198 | VALD I | Pinus nigra |
37182 | VALD II | Pinus nigra |
12497 | VALD III | Pinus nigra |
37196 | VEZZ | Pinus nigra |
37186 | VIZZ | Pinus nigra |
37174 | VLHA | Pinus nigra |
Variable ID | Variable short name | Variable long name | Ontology name | Trait description |
CO_357:0000001 | AIG | Needles coloration | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the Larch needles coloration |
CO_357:0000004 | ANG_n3 | Branch angle - rating on 3 | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the branches angle |
CO_357:0000019 | CIR | Tree circumference | Woody Plant Ontology | Circumference of the tree main stem |
CO_357:0000021 | COM | Comments | Woody Plant Ontology | Observations on the tree, unsystematic and somewhat anecdotal |
CO_357:0000031 | ECL | Thinning | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the thinning, an operation to remove a number of trees from a plot in favour of those left in place |
CO_357:0000048 | HT | Tree total height | Woody Plant Ontology | Total height of the tree, from the ground to the tallest part of the crown |
CO_357:0000057 | ID | Identification | Woody Plant Ontology | Identification of the targeted tree (mother tree, replenish …) or the sample collected on the tree |
CO_357:0000064 | NBRA | Ramicorn number | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the ramicorn quantity |
CO_357:0000075 | SEL | Phenotypic note | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the phenotypic value of the tree for selection |
CO_357:0000082 | SUR | Survival | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of the survival state of the tree |
CO_357:0000118 | TRW | Tree ring width | Woody Plant Ontology | Growth rings, also referred to as tree rings or annual rings, can be seen in a horizontal cross section cut through the trunk of a tree |
CO_357:0000203 | LPOUS | Shoot length | Woody Plant Ontology | Total length of the shoot |
CO_357:0000504 | DCE | Pollarding | Woody Plant Ontology | Assessment of crown dieback, a condition in woody plants in which peripheral parts of the crown are killed |
Data Set
Role | Name | Institution | |
Manager | Denis VAUTHIER | | URFM - Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes |
Scientific | Bruno FADY | | URFM - Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes |
Additional information
GIDE ID | 4196302 |