GnpSNP is an INRA URGI platform project whose goal is the development and maintenance of a database dedicated to plant polymorphism: GnpSNP, fully integrated into GnpIS URGI information system.
It stores sequencing/resequencing polymorphisms as well as genotyping array results obtained from several plant species like grapevine, wheat, maize, tomato, and so on.
Polymorphisms data stored in GnpSNP are exclusively SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), short DIPs (Deletion Insertion Polymorphisms) and SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeats). GnpSNP stores data from various sequencing or genotyping technologies (Sanger, various NGS platforms data, Axiom genotyping array...etc). It allows to easily filter and export (in csv or VCF format) sub-sets of genotypes and markers information from our favorite organisms and genomic regions.
A bridge between this SNP discovery information system and our genetic association system has been developed to be able to export genotyping data of a relevant association with a trait.
The system manage the confidentiality of the data using groups that are specified when the user submits the data.
The textual web interface allows a wide exploration of the content of the database using simple filters like a genome range restriction and/or a species or organism filter.
Tools have been built in order to ease the data submissions : an excel file to provide the metadata (about the plant material and the SNP calling analysis or the genotyping experiment) in addition to the a VCF file storing the raw data.
(See Data submission section for more details).
All these developments have been initiated through a Genoplante project (BIEP, M2) in strong collaboration with the INRA EPGV (Etude du Polymorphisme du Génome des Végétaux, located at the Centre National de Génotypage in Evry) and F. Granier (from the Station de Génétique et d'Amélioration des plantes , INRA de Versailles).
Since 2008, user needs and new developments are analysed with the help of a Scientific User Committee (CSU). A steering committee headed by A.F. Adam-Blondon (scientific coordinator of GnpSNP) drives the developpements of GnpSNP by assessing the features of the CSU.
Duration: 01/10/2007
Coordinator: Nacer Mohellibi
Thanks to the data submitters:
Sorry for the ones that I forgot.