Rapsodyn is a 8 years project funded by French Investment for the future (Investissement d'avenir, bioressources). RAPSODYN has the ambition to insure long-term competitiveness of the rapeseed production through improvement of the oil yield and reduction of nitrogen inputs during the crop cycle.
See the
Official web site
for more information.
Duration: 01/09/2012 to 31/12/2019
Coordinator: Nathalie Nési
The task of URGI is to integrate all the Rapsodyn data (genotyping, phenotyping, association genetics, ...) produced by the project, in its information system GnpIS for public queries, dissemination and valorization.
Sophie Durand is responsible of the data integration task at URGI and member of the governing council.
Bioinformatics tasks will be done in collaboration with the second bioinformatics partner of the project Biogemma, leaded by Magalie Leveugle, that leads also Rapsodyn bioinformatics workpackage.
- A bioinformatics meeting organized in november 2012.
- Training session on GnpIS information system, open to partners, organized in Rennes in february 2013, to present the last developments concerning databases for genotyping, phenotyping, genetic resources and sequence annotation data management.
- Training session on URGI Galaxy tool, and especially new tools developed by URGI for variants detection and for RNASeq differential expression, done in July 2013.
- Several training session during 2013 and 2014 to train IGEPP partner to submit phenotypic and genetic resources data to GnpIS in the perspectives to build the first version of GnpIS - RIS, dedicated to Rapsodyn data
- Visit
Data pages
to have an up-to-date access to all the information useful to submit data
- Bioinformatics user meeting in Novembre 2015
- Perspectives:
- Webinar on GnpIS use in May 2017
- Give access on GnpIS - RIS, to all Rapsodyn partners to give them access to Rapsodyn data produced during the beginning of the project and also on data already published on Brassica by other fundings
- Load also new public data in
GnpIS portal
for an open access to scientific community.