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You are welcome to submit your data into GnpIS . GnpIS handles different types of data in the scope of genetics and genomics for plants including forest trees and fungi: genetic resources, polymorphisms and genotyping data, phenotyping data, association data, genetic maps and QTLs, synteny data.
GnpIS gives value to these data by enabling their interoperability and reusability through the use of internationally agreed standards and ontologies: see for instance the guidelines that were developed in the frame of the WheatIS that are relevant for all species, not only wheat. GnpIS is continuously improving its compliance to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). To enhance the findability and accessibility of the submitted datasets, we collaborate with to associate a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to your dataset along with its integration in GnpIS.
Choose the submission files on the left menu according to the type of data you want to submit to prepare the data.
To submit your data into GnpIS, use the data integration service-offering: fill the form and submit it. We will get back to you quicky !

How to submit data :

  • Step 1
    • If the data submission is performed in the frame of an existing collaborative project in partnership with URGI, go directly to step 2.
    • Otherwise, you can submit data through our service-offering « data insertion and integration in GnpIS Â», a light procedure allowing to build a minimal data management plan including licence and ownership matters.
  • Step 2 : Download the template files corresponding to the type of data you want to submit
  • Step 3 : Fill the template (documentation available)
  • Step 4 : Submit your files through our submission form

Different types of files are available according to the type of data :


Types of data

How to submit

Access to data

Public access

Registered access

Genetic resources


Polymorphism / Genotyping


Map / Marker / QTL






Transposable elements


  • Genetic resources : to load into the Siregal database: taxonomy, germplasms (accessions), passport description, primary phenotypes
  • Phenotyping : to load into the Ephesis database: trial, experimental data...
  • Polymorphism (sequence and SSR ): to load into the polymorphisms database: SNP, insertion, deletion, individual (lines...), 'reference gene'
  • Association : to load into association database: association results, genotype, phenotype, structure, kinship...
  • Map / Marker / QTL :
    • Genetic maps
      maps, markers, loci, QTLs, MetaQTLs, traits, thematic
    • Physical anchoring data
      pools, markers on pools, cross references
    • Physical maps
      output of the FPC software
  • Genome (large fragments with annotations): to load into the GBrowse/Chado databases
    GFF international format. Please always contact us for details about this type of submission.
  • Synteny : to load Synteny dataset: homology group, ancestral genomes, phylogenic proximities with modern genomes...
  • Sequences : to load into the sequences database: EST and NGS data (experiment, sample, sequences, analysis...).
  • Transcriptome : to load into the transcriptomic database: experiments, hybridization, arrays (cDNA, nimblegen...), sample, experimental conditions, raw data, normalized data, gene lists...


* Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés ( CNIL )

GnpIS contains personal and professional information on technical and scientific actors.
 Under French law no.78-17 dated 6 January 1978 relating to Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties, you have rights of opposition, access and rectification of any data that might concern you.
 You can, therefore, contact us ( ) in order that we might rectify, complete, update or remove any information concerning you which is inexact, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated or of which the collection, use, communication or preservation is prohibited.

Update: 21 Aug 2020
Creation date: 26 Nov 2009