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Forest trees projects

In a context of global changes and for a lasting management of natural environments and resources, researches are conducted on biodiversity, dynamics and functioning of natural ecosystems. Studies are also conducted on organisms adaptation and evolution of the populations and communities they belong to.

European and international dimensions are essential for these researches because of the global character of certain phenomena (such as climate changes, biological invasions, changes in lands usage …) or the market of certain ecosystems products (such as wood) and the ensuing debates.

It is therefore essential to be able to manage lastingly, conserve and restore forest ecosystems, but also the physical and biological resources that depend on them as well as their production of goods and services.

In France, the Ecology and Biodiversity department (ECODIV) of the French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) is in charge of studying those questions.

Sequencing of the oak genome and identification of genes that matter for forest tree adaptation
Call: ANR "Blanc"
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Update: 14 Aug 2020
Creation date: 21 Aug 2014