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Achieved projects

These projects are closed. You can consult the results and publications.

CNV4Sel is a project funded in the frame of the SelGen Metaprogram which purpose is to set up strategies for Copy Number Variations (CNV) discovery in animal and plant species and their use in breeding.
The URGI plateform is coordinating an IBISA collaborative project aiming at setting up a community for the development of a software for the local management of genetic resources in Plant Biological Resource Centers (BRC). Another objective of the project is to progress in the ...
COREGRAPEGEN: Exploitation of the natural diversity of grape through functional genomics for improved resistance and quality
Trilateral project GABI-Génoplante-MCYT n°TR017
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) and wine represent a relevant share of ...
Diversity of Disease Resistance Mechanism in Arabodopsis.In response to pathogen attack plants activate complex cellular reprogramming that leads to the induction of a broad spectrum of defences. While much progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms by which plants detect and ...
Ephesis, or Environment and Phenotype Information System, is an INRA URGI platform project. It has been initiated by the Departement Genetic et amelioration des Plantes (DGAP), which has ensured its long term stability by assigning this mission to a permanent engineer. It provides a ...
RNA silencing is a conserved eukaryotic gene regulatory mechanism, integral for taming endogenous (repetitive elements and transposons) or exogenous (viruses and bacteria) invasive nucleic acids to minimize their impact on genome integrity and function. RNA silencing also is essential for controlling the expression of ...
Update: 21 Jun 2010
Creation date: 02 Dec 2009