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You find here, the main species stored in the URGI repository

 Miscanthus genus belongs to the family Poaceae and Andropogoneae tribe, which also includes maize, sorghum or sugar cane. Miscanthus  sensu lato contains about twenty species but it includes only about ten in sensu stricto (Hodkinson et al., 2015). The giant miscanthus grown in France ...
Wheat@URGI : website dedicated to Wheat
Why develop grape genomics?
The International Grape Genome Program (IGGP, launched in 2001) aims at coordinating the international efforts for the development of genomic resources for the Vitis genus. Based on the commitment of volunteer scientists, the IGGP has  allowed the whole ...
As part of the Forest tree GnpIS project, several forest trees species and their associated data can be found in GnpIS.These data are provided by different sources (projects and networks) listed on this page. 
Data overview
Data for Abies, Acacia, Acer, Alnus, ...
Agaricus subrufescens is one of the most important culinary-medicinal cultivable mushrooms with potentially high added-value products and extended agronomical valorization. The development of A. subrufescens related technologies is hampered by, among others, the lack of suitable molecular tools. Thus, this mushroom is considered as a genomic orphan ...
Ascomycete Botrytis cinerea (asexual stage of the teleomorph Botryotinia fuckeliana) is a necrotrophic fungus that causes grey mould disease on a very broad host range (more than 200 plant species) and inflicts serious crop losses worldwide.Known as polyphageous, B. cinerea is actually a species ...
Update: 22 Jun 2010
Creation date: 26 Nov 2009