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AKER project (2012-2019) has for objective to double sugarbeet sugar content yield from 2 to 4% until 2020. It is a 8 years project funded by French Investment for the Future (Investissement d'avenir, bioressources). It is co-coordinated by Christian Huyghe, INRA Paris and Bruno Desprez (Florimond-Desprez Veuve et Fils, SA).

See the official web site for details: .

Duration: 01/04/2012 to 31/12/2019

Coordinator: Christian Huyghe

The project involved 11 partners (research, sugarbeet compagny, technical institute, farmers...)

  • Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA) - INRA Toulouse/SaAB (UR BIA) (analyses génétiques)
  • INRA Versailles, Unité de recherche Génomique-Info (URGI)
  • INRA Angers / Agrocampus-Ouest (PMS)
  • ESEO / LISA (automatisme phénotypage des semences)
  • GEVES / SNES (phénotypage semences et germination)
  • Agrocampus-Ouest (pédagogie/enseignement)
  • Université Lille 1 (pédagogie/enseignement)
  • Institut technique de la betterave (ITB)
  • Florimond Desprez (semencier)

URGI is responsible (Delphine Steinbach until Sept. 2015, Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon since) for the bioinformatic workpackage of the project that aims at developing an infrastructure at Florimond-Desprez SA. The work is done in partnership with Florimond-Desprez. The two software engineers hired by Florimond-Desprez for the project are Daphné Verdelet and Dorothée Charruaud (located at URGI).

The public data produced by the project is made available through the GnpIS information system and portal. Private data managed in a private copy of GnpIS, AIS, maintained by Florimond-Desprez.

A major achievement of the AKER project has been the migration of the GnpIS sofware from Oracle to PostGreSQL that facilitate its transfert to interested partners.

For general news on project, visit the official AKER web site .

Update: 29 May 2016
Creation date: 03 Oct 2012