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Genome data access

Agaricus subrefescens

GBrowse:  Agaricus subrefescens functional isotig annotation

Genome Report System: Agaricus subrefescensisotigs annotation report

Arabis alpina GBrowse_syn: Synteny between A. thaliana, A. lyrata and A. alpina (registered)
Arabidopsis thaliana

JBrowse: Arabidopsis thaliana

GBrowse: epiRNaseIII - Arabidopsis thaliana GBrowse II (registered)

GBrowse: RIP-Seq - Arabidopsis thaliana GBrowse II (registered)

GBrowse: Arabidopsis thaliana TAIR V10

GBrowse: Deep repeat annotation, Maumus and Quesneville, 2014

Vitis vinifera

JBrowse: Vitis vinifera (12X.2) Genome Browser

GBrowse: Vitis vinifera (12X.0) Genome Browser

GBrowse_syn: Synteny between Vitis 12X.0 and Vitis 8X

GBrowse: Vitis vinifera (8X) Genome Browser

GBrowse : Vitis vinifera (12X.0) Muscares Genome Browser (registered)

Gbrowse : Vitis vinifera (12X.0) Vitaroma Genome Browser

Triticum aestivum GBrowse physical map, genome annotation, Synteny, Intermine
Botrytis cinerea T4

GBrowse:  Botrytis cinerea T4 automated functional gene annotation

GBrowse:  Botrytis cinerea T4 genome annotation

GBrowse_syn: Synteny between Botrytis cinerea T4/B05.10 and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Genome Report System: Botrytis cinerea T4 genes annotation report

Botrytis cinerea B0510

GBrowse: Botrytis cinerea B05.10 automated functional gene annotation

GBrowse_syn: Synteny between Botrytis cinerea T4/B05.10 and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Genome Report System: Botrytis cinerea B05.10 genes annotation report

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

GBrowse: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum automated functional gene annotation

GBrowse_syn: Synteny between Botrytis cinerea T4/B05.10 and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Genome Report System: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum genes annotation report


GBrowse: Leptosphaeria maculans JN3 automated functional gene annotation

GBrowse: Leptosphaeria maculans JN3 genome annotation

GBrowse_syn: Synteny between Leptosphaeria complex genomes (registered)

Genome Report System: Leptosphaeria maculans JN3 genes annotation report

Microbotryum violaceum GBrowse: Microbotryum Sex Chromosomes (registered)
Venturia inaequalis

GBrowse: Venturia Inaequalis genome annotation (registered)

Genome Report System:  Venturia Inaequalis gene annotation  report (registered)

 Populus trichocarpa

GBrowse: Populus trichocarpa Genome browser V1

GBrowse: Populus trichocarpa Genome browser V1 (registered)

GBrowse: Populus trichocarpa Genome browser V2

JBrowse: Populus trichocarpa V3 annotation

 Quercus robur

Pseudomolecule: Oak genome assembly PM1N (haploid version: 12 pseudomolecules with 871 scaffolds + 538 unassigned scaffolds)

JBrowse: Quercus robur Genome Browser PM1N

OakMine: Quercus robur annotation database

JBrowse: Quercus robur Genome Browser V2_2N (diploïd)

Zea mays ZmB73 V2

GBrowse: Zea mays ZmB73 Genome annotation

GBrowse: Zea mays ZmB73 Genome annotation (registered)

JBrowse: Maize B73 V2

JBrowse: Maize B73 V2 (registered)

Malus x domestica GBrowse: Malus x domestica Genome browser (registered)
Solanum lycopersicum (ITAG 2.3) GBrowse: Solanum lycopersicum (ITAG 2.3) Genome Browser
Wheat, Maize, Rice, Sorghum

Plant synteny viewer

Plant synteny viewer (registered)  

Pisum sativum L.

Jbrowse: Pisum sativum v.1a genome browser

Gbrowse:  Pisum sativum Genome Browser (registered)

Medicago truncatula

Gbrowse: Medicago truncatula Genome Browser (registered)

Gbrowse:  Medicago truncatula GenomeBrowser on physical map (registered)

Update: 11 Apr 2022
Creation date: 13 Feb 2012