The annotation of malus genome (Malus x domestica species) realised by "UMR 1259 Génétique et Horticulture" in INRA d'Angers-Nantes, is integrated in GnpGenome. This data contains:
Ascomycete Botrytis cinerea (asexual stage of the teleomorph Botryotinia fuckeliana) is a necrotrophic fungus that causes grey mould disease on a very broad host range (more than 200 plant species) and inflicts serious crop losses worldwide.Known as polyphageous, B. cinerea is actually a species ...
Leptosphaeria maculans 'brassicae' (Lmb) is the ascomycete fungus that causes "stem canker" (also termed "Blackleg") on oilseed rape, Brassica napus, and numerous other crucifers (Rouxel et al. 2011). It is representative of an important genus of fungal phytopathogens, the Dothideomycetes, of which six ...