Botrytis cinerea T4 GRS
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(Use the autocomplete proposition in order to find a GO term, example: Transport, Lipase or GO:000..)
Search by gene name
(Use the autocomplete proposition in order to find a Gene, example: BofuT4_P000020.1, BofuT4_P000200.1)
Search by keyword on whole GnpIS
For a multiple search based criteria, please use the GnpIS portal .
Build your queries with either keywords or wildcards or various features of gene (name, function, InterPro entries, PFAM domains, PROSITE motifs,...).
- submit PF01529 to show genes sharing this PFAM domain
- submit Palmitoyltransferase to show genes matching with public or private database entries defined as Palmitoyltransferase
Genome Report System -
copyright INRA 2011 |