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GnpAsso is an ANR public-private bioinformatics research project (that ends in january 2015), coordinated by Delphine Steinbach, INRA URGI. The goal is to develop new bioinformatics resources to deal with large scale genome-wide association studies data. 3 targets species are chosen to provide real datasets to test the tool. Experts in genetic associations are chosen to express user needs, submit data and test the software tools. A first version of GnpIS tool adapted to association results, is now available on GnpIS portal. It relies on GnpIS URGI informatics system set up in 2003 and improved regularly through various fundings (ANR, INRA, FP7), See. D. Steinbach & al. Databases Journal 2014. GnpAsso project benefits from INRA URGI platform facities, teams and expertise in software development. It benefit from experts in genetic association results analysis.

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Update: 10 Jul 2014
Creation date: 05 Jun 2013