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The URGI plateform is funded by IBISA in order to develop a FAIR (for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable data sets) compliant file repository, indexed for a google-like search. For this purpose, the plateform will build on the WheatIS experience of repository ( ...
URGI in-house project to set up a Virtual Research Environment to study Transposable Elements and their impact on the epigenomes.
Amaizing is a long-term public-private research initiative coordinated by Alain Charcosset, INRA UMR Génétique végétale, Moulon, France. The overall objective of AMAIZING is to improve the efficiency of maize breeding programs in France, and to further characterize the varieties by implementing biotechnology advances and ...
PeaMust (MUlti-STress adaptation and biological regulations for yield improvement and stability) is a 8 years project funded by French Investment for the future (Investissement d'Avenir, Bioressources). The project has for objective to stabilise pea yield and grain quality, source of protein for animal feeding. Web ...
AKER project (2012-2019) has for objective to double sugarbeet sugar content yield from 2 to 4% until 2020. It is a 8 years project funded by French Investment for the Future (Investissement d'avenir, bioressources). It is co-coordinated by Christian Huyghe, INRA Paris and Bruno ...
Rapsodyn is a 8 years project funded by French Investment for the future (Investissement d'avenir, bioressources). RAPSODYN has the ambition to insure long-term competitiveness of the rapeseed production through improvement of the oil yield and reduction of nitrogen inputs during the crop cycle.See the ...
Update: 09 Jan 2017
Creation date: 26 Nov 2009