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Data submission

General instructions to submit data.

Please note that all data submission must be included either in a collaborative project or in URGI data service offer. See General instructions for further information.


Overview for Phenotyping data

The workflow developed for the Vitis community gives an overview of the good practices for integrating phenotyping data.

It can be downloaded here: FluxInfo_Vigne1-7.pdf


Project data


Submission of project, contacts, institutions and publications

Use the excel file to submit your data:


Ontology data


Submission of ontology and observation variables 

Many Variables are already available in GnpIS ontologies. Search the variables you need to use in the GnpIS Ontology Portal

If your species is not already present in the ontology list, you can create a new ontology following the Crop Ontology trait template V5 below.

If your species is present but you are missing some variables, you can download the existing ontology and add new terms.


Phenotype data


Submission of trial and experimental data for crops 

Use the excel file to submit your data:


Submission of trial and experimental data for forest trees

To submit your data:




Multi year Vitis Trial

Update: 24 Aug 2020
Creation date: 29 Oct 2012