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01 Jul 2015 Workshop on “Mining plant variation data”

Workshop on
“Mining plant variation data”
Organised by the transPLANT Consortium1,

July 01-03, 2015
Hinxton, EBI campus, United Kingdom

We are pleased to announce the 4th transPLANT user Training Workshop in Hinxton, United Kingdom (European Bioinf ormatics Institute) on July 01-03, 2015.

This workshop focuses on current developments in plant data resources at transPLANT partner sites (, with a special reference on plant genomic variation data, re-sequencing projects and GWAS analyses. The workshop will provide a basic tutorial on SNP calling and analysis as well as hands-on introductions into partner resources and tools and explain how to obtain, search and use this data.
The workshop is targeted at (experimental) biologists and breeders who have the need to use these resources and concepts in everyday work to interpret own observations and plan new research objectives. Registration deadline is Sunday 19th April 2015.


For details on registration, costs and program please visit



1 The transPLANT project is funded by the European Commission since September 2011 within its 7th Framework Programme under the thematic area "Infrastructures", contract number 283496.

Update: 24 Sep 2015
Creation date: 10 Apr 2015
