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20 Jul 2015 New departure : Delphine Steinbach

After 15 years at URGI, since the beginning of the Genoplante-Info and URGI story, Delphine Steinbach, will leave INRA URGI unit, the first of September 2015. She will join in mobility the bioinformatics team of the UMR INRA Research unit: GQE: Genetics Quantitativ Evolution - Le Moulon at Gif sur Yvette, This unit is member of IDEEV, a new institute Diversity Ecology Ecology, Evolution, that federates several research units on Campus Gif/Orsay (Plateau de Saclay), near Paris.

  • She will get new responsabilities on the management of information systems used for Maize data (genetic resources, genotyping, phenotyping data, ...) at lab level, thaliaDB.
  • She will continue its collaboration with INRA URGI for example in the frame of several projects in the fields of expertise of its new unit (QTLs, Genotyping, Phenotyping, GWAS, Genomic selection...), facilitating data submission to GnpIS from the lab, and on bioinformatics transversal developments on these topics, always in the goal to help deciphering genes underlying traits of interest face to challenges linked to environment such as drought, yield, ...
  • She will continue its mission in projects management and in setting of participating, to training events.
  • She will be a member of the new Scientific User Committee (CSU) of URGI bioinformatics platform.
  • At the Moulon, Delphine will continue to work in AmaiZing project (, the french investment for the future project and will collabore with partners of another european project on drought (DROPS) on phenotyping data and with F. Tardieu at LEPSE Montpellier for hightroughput phenotyping.
  • She will be in the steering commitee of PHIS information system, a new information system, developped in PHENOME infrastructure project for data management at platform level.
  • At INRA level, Delphine will continue her actual mission (2012-2016) of animating the informatics of the CATI CGI, a collectiv of 45 bioinformaticians from INRA BAP in majority, the plant division breeding and biology division of INRA.


  • She will let its responsability of leading the GnpIS development and data integration team to Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon, a research director, biologist, based at URGI since 2012. Anne-Françoise is since many years, involved in Grape genomics research. She is at the head of the Grape genomics international consortium, and she is since several years vice-head of INRA BAP division. She is also already involved at URGI in bioanalysis projects coordination, linked to grape and and to genetic resources data management (Siregal). She is member since 2013 of the steering commitee of the unit who is composed on the 2 team leaders and their vice-leaders. Anne-Françoise will be assisted by Michael Alaux and Cyril Pommier who are already since 2013, both vide-heads of GnpIS software development and integration team.
  • The operational management of  URGI platform will be assured by Joelle Amselem.
  • Hadi Quesneville will let its mission of scientific leader of URGI platform to Anne-Françoise. He will continue its mission of director of URGI. Delphine will stop its mission of Vice Director of URGI.

Update: 21 Jul 2015
Creation date: 20 Jul 2015
