Molecular Plant Pathology. Volume 6, Issue 3, Date: May 2005, Pages: 225-241
01 May 2005 The stem canker (blackleg) fungus, Leptosphaeria maculans, enters the genomic eraRouxel T and Balesdent MH
Leptosphaeria maculans is the most ubiquitous pathogen of Brassica crops, and mainly oilseed brassicas (oilseed rape, canola), causing the devastating 'stem canker' or 'blackleg'. This review summarizes our current knowledge on the pathogen, from taxonomic issues to specific life traits. It mainly illustrates the importance of formal genetics approaches on the pathogen side to dissect the interaction with the host plants. In addition, this review presents the main current research topics on L. maculans and focuses on the L. maculans genome initiative recently begun, including its main research issues.