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Service offering

The Plant Bioinformatics Facility proposes services about "VRE for transposable elements annotation" and about "data integration".


  • The URGI cluster is no long available since July, 30th 2020 and has been replaced by Virtual Machines (VM) on the URGI Cloud. To access to the plant Bioinformatics facilities (PlantBioinfoPF) resources (computing and associated storage) we propose a new service offering:
  • The data integration services aim at supporting teams from the BAP, SPE and ECODIV INRAE divisions for their high throughput sequence analysis and data integration in URGI Information System  GnpIS . To know more about assessment and criteria of eligibility, terms of use or submission modalities, read and fill the corresponding form, then follow detailed instructions for submission:

Applications are evaluated about once a month.

Another service aims at supporting worldwide teams to build or join federations of information systems.

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Update: 19 Jan 2024
Creation date: 25 Feb 2015