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Data Access

You can access the data hosted by URGI and our partners in our information systems.



GnpIS is an integrative and multi-species information system dedicated to plants, including forest trees. It handles different types of data with a focus on genetic resources and phenomics. It enables researchers from the Plant community to access and cross-reference genetic data (accessions, phenotypes, polymorphisms, markers and QTLs) and genomic data (sequences, physical maps, genome annotations) for species of agronomic and forestry interest.

GnpIS is accessible via a web portal and enables different types of data to be browsed, either independently via dedicated interfaces, or simultaneously using search tools.

GnpIS gives value to the datasets it contains by enabling their interoperability and reusability through the use of internationally agreed standards and ontologies. It is continuously improving its compliance to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). To enhance the findability and accessibility of the submitted datasets, we collaborate with Data INRAE to associate a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to your dataset along with its integration in GnpIS.

It is used by INRAE and its partners, major national and international projects.

For more information, see DEDICATED PAGE TODO.


GnpIS data can be access here : . To submited new datasets, see the dedicated guidelines .



FAIDARE is a data discovery portal that allows searching over more than forty plant research databases over the world, including GnpIS and Recherche Data Gouv. It eases datasets findability and access of most plant research data types, including in particular genotyping, phenotyping and germplasms.

It is based on the Breeding API (BrAPI) specifications and facilitates access to public datasets of crop and forest plants via an easy-to-use web interface. It also provides a standard interface that can be accessed programmatically via web services.

FAIDARE has been developed to meet the needs of the ELIXIR Plant Sciences community .

For more information, see .


FAIDARE data can be access here : . To submited new datasets, see the dedicated guidelines .


WheatIS Data Discovery

The WheatIS Data Discovery is a web portal for searching and accessing wheat data in international databases. It aims at providing researchers with quick and easy access to relevant biological data using specific keywords and filters. This portal is a subset of FAIDARE, filtered on wheat data.

It belongs to the WheatIS working group of the Wheat Initiative , which is building an international wheat information system to support the wheat research community. 

For more information, see .


WheatIS Data Discovery data can be access here : . To submited new datasets, see the dedicated guidelines .



RARe is the data discovery portal of the research infrastructure AgroBRC - RARe , included in the national roadmap. It brings together five networks of Biological Resources Centers conserving genetic, genomic and biological resources assembled and characterised by research on domestic animals, model or cultivated plants, wild species related to domestic animals, forest trees, micro-organisms of agronomic or agri-food interest, and environmental micro-organisms and organisms. The aim of this portal is to facilitate discovery and access to the biological ressources offers by RARe BRCs.

For more information, see .


RARe data can be access here : . To submited new datasets, see the dedicated guidelines .

Update: 13 Sep 2024
Creation date: 30 Jul 2024
