05 May 2015
new tools available in Galaxy
We are pleased to announce new tool integrations for Variant analysis in our
section Freebayes
- FreeBayes (0.9.20) - bayesian genetic variant detector
- BamLeftAlign - indels in BAM datasets
section Vcflib tool suite
- VCFfixup: Count the allele frequencies across alleles present in each record in the VCF file
- VCFselectsamples: Select samples from a VCF dataset
- VCFhetHomAlleles: Count the number of heterozygotes and alleles, compute het/hom ratio
- VCFdistance: Calculate distance to the nearest variant
- VCFannotateGenotypes: Annotate genotypes in a VCF dataset using genotypes from another VCF dataset
- VCFcombine: Combine multiple VCF datasets
- VCFflatten: Removes multi-allelic sites by picking the most common alternate
- VCF-VCFintersect: Intersect two VCF datasets
- VcfAllelicPrimitives: Split alleleic primitives (gaps or mismatches) into multiple VCF lines
- VCFcheck: Verify that the reference allele matches the reference genome
- VCFrandomSample: Randomly sample sites from VCF dataset
- VCFgenotype-to-haplotype: Convert genotype-based phased alleles into haplotype alleles
- VCFgenotypes: Convert numerical representation of genotypes to allelic
- VCFaddinfo: Adds info fields from the second dataset which are not present in the first dataset
- VCFfilter: filter VCF data in a variety of attributes
- VCFannotate: Intersect VCF records with BED annotations
- VCFprimers: Extract flanking sequences for each VCF record
- VCFsort: Sort VCF dataset by coordinate
- VCF-BEDintersect: Intersect VCF and BED datasets
- VCFbreakCreateMulti: Break multiple alleles into multiple records, or combine overallpoing alleles into a single record
- VCFleftAlign: Left-align indels and complex variants in VCF dataset
- VCFtoTab-delimited: Convert VCF data into TAB-delimited format
- VCFcommonSamples: Output records belonging to samples common between two datasets
For any questions or bug reports, please contact us at:
Thank you for using URGI Galaxy: