
    Genomic Research-Assisted breeding for Sustainable Production of quality GRAPEs and WINE


ERA-NET Plant Genomics granted research project


Grapes are currently grown on 3.6 Million ha (2006) in Europe and amount to a total yearly production of 170 million hl (2006) in the European Union. Consumer concerns for improved food quality produced with environmentally safe and sustainable agriculture demands the development of new cultivars of table and wine grapes improved in fruit quality and natural pathogen resistance to reduce the current extensive use of fungicides. Breeding of grapevines is a long-lasting task and urgently requires the development of novel tools to achieve these aims efficiently and rapidly, also in order to face the consequences of Global Change.
In the last years there has been a growing amount of genomic information for grapevine. More than 350,000 EST sequences are stored in databases and the sequencing of the whole genome has been initiated. Deciphering the molecular determinants of phenotypic variation at those traits that are relevant in breeding is now the major challenge. The recent identification of more than 20,000 unigenes in Vitis allowed the development of microarray chips that are routinely being used to characterize the expression of 14,000 transcripts simultaneously. Genetic variation is available in cultivars of Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa as well as the European wild Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris and American and Asian wild species of Vitis sp.
In a trilateral project CoreGrapeGen several of the participating groups collaborate to characterize and exploit the existent phenotypic and genotypic variation in grapevine collections corresponding to the species Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa, Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris and various American and Asian species of the genus Vitis that are used as sources of resistance genes and as rootstocks. The data are used to generate selected core collections based on genotypic as well as on phenotypic diversity. These will be employed to study the extent of Linkage Disequilibrium in QTL-containing genomic regions and to perform genetic association studies with candidate genes.
The fundamental goal of this project is to combine genomic and quantitative genetical methods to identify the gene sequences and nucleotide variation responsible for phenotypic variation in resistance and berry quality traits in grape. Depending on the specific resources and topics of interest, the different collaborating research groups from France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Portugal will focus on specific strategies and traits. Targeted traits in wine and table grapes will include :

  • berry size, fruit texture, seedlessness, acid/base balances, flavour compounds as well as
  • fungal disease resistances (powdery and downy mildew diseases)

Duration: 01/01/2006 to 01/01/2009

Coordinator: Eva Zyprian


German coordinator : Eva Zyprian


Laboratories Address Person Contact
JKI Institute of Grapevine Breeding, Geilweilerhof, Siebeldingen Eva Zyprian, Reinhard Töpfer, Martina Rex, Ute Seitz eva.zyprian[[at]]
MPI Molecular Plant Physiology Potsdam-Golm Joachim Kopka, Alexander Erban kopka[[at]]


French Coordinator : Charles Romieu


Laboratory Address Person Contact
INRA UMR-BEPC INRA Montpellier Charles Romieu, Laurent Torregrosa romieu[[at]]
INRA UMR 1097 INRA Montpellier Patrice This this[[at]]
INRA URGI INRA Versailles Nathalie Choisne, Delphine Steinbach, Hadi Quesneville nathalie.choisne[[at]]
INRA UMR-SVQV/INRA-ULP INRA Colmar Didier Merdinoglu, Eric Duchêne merdino[[at]]
CNRS Université de Bordeaux Nathalie Ollat, Serge Delrot ollat[[at]]
VIVELYS Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, private partner Nicolas Bernard nicolas.bernard[[at]]


Italian coordinator : Stella Grando


Laboratory Address Person Contact
IASMA San Michele Stella Grando, Riccardo Velasco stella.grando[[at]]


Spanish coordinator : Jose Miguel Martinez-Zapater


Laboratory Address Person Contact
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia CSIC Madrid Jose Miguel Martinez-Zapater zapater[[at]]
IMIDA La Alberca Juan Carreno Espin, Pilar Hellin juan.carreno[[at]]
ITUM Blanca, private partne Fausto Carrillo nuevasuvas[[at]]


Portuguese coordinator : Manuel Pedro Salema Fevereiro


Laboratory Address Person Contact
ITQB Univ. Lisboa Manuel Pedro Salema Fevereiro, Jorge Palva, Silvana Cardoso psalema[[at]]
ICAT Portugal Maria Salome Soares Pais, Ana Margarida Fortes msalomepais[[at]]
DBEB/CBAA Instituto Superior de Agronomia S.B.Q. Amancio samport[[at]]
EVN Estacao Vitivinicola Nacional J.E.J. Eiras-Dias evn.eiras.dias[[at]]
PLANSEL Lda (JBP) Montemor o Novo, private partner Hans-Joerg Boehm bohm[[at]]


Dutch coordinator : Rob Verpoorte


Laboratory Address Person Contact
IBL Leiden University Rob Verpoorte, Kashif Ali verpoort[[at]]



For data submission


Genetic maps and QTL data GnpMap
Transcriptomic data GnpArray
Genetic resources and phenotypic data SIReGal
Polymorphism data GnpSNP
EST sequences data GnpSeq
Genomic sequences annotations data GnpGenome
Metabolomic data GMD@CSB.DB




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