Release notes

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Available versions
Synteny Viewer 1.0.5
Synteny Viewer 1.0.4Improve design, bug fixes.
Synteny Viewer 1.0.3Setup functional tests environment, avoid the access of synteny main form while no data is publicly available, refactor
Synteny Viewer 1.0.2Fix bugs related to swap button, improve message for modern chromosome search
Synteny Viewer 1.0.1Display contextual help, allow swap modern chromosomes, allow hide modern chromosomes, fix bugs.
Synteny Viewer 1.0.0Display all ancestral chromosomes, manage I18N, fix bugs, improve visualization and performances.
Synteny Viewer 0.3.0Deferred loading, performances, display of lines, chromosomes size.
Synteny Viewer 0.2.0Ancestral chromosome, navigation along ancestral chromosome, search by gene.
Synteny Viewer 0.1.0

Version 1.0.5 (2012/09/05)


  • [GNP-1590] - Functional validation for release of Synteny_1_0_4


Version 1.0.4 (2012/07/11)


  • [GNP-1435] - The toggle function for the menu items does not work.
  • [GNP-1558] - Taxon having no synteny data can be displayed in SyntenyViewer interface (ie. Vitis vinifera)


  • [GNP-1413] - Change the style of html links.
  • [GNP-1559] - Convert exiting source to UTF-8

New Feature

  • [GNP-1488] - Add species group selection tool.


Version 1.0.3 (2012/04/03)



  • [GNP-1399] - Avoid the access of synteny main form while no data is publicly available


  • [GNP-1073] - Refactor architecture of GWT code
  • [GNP-1319] - Exploration: setup Selenium environment for functional tests
  • [GNP-1342] - Release Synteny 1.0.2.

Version 1.0.2 (2012/03/06)


  • [GNP-1310] - Swap button works only from second click and next clicks


  • [GNP-1316] - Add default select message in ancestral chromosome listbox when searching by modern chromosomes


Version 1.0.1 (2012/02/08)


  • [GNP-1306] - Hide button is still visible when modern chromosome is hidden
  • [GNP-1307] - Lines between homolog genes is sometimes missing


New Feature

  • [GNP-1210] - Create table SpeciesGroup.
  • [GNP-1278] - Display contextual help
  • [GNP-1304] - Create button to swap modern chromosome
  • [GNP-1305] - Create button for hiding modern chromosomes and improve synteny visualization


Version 1.0.0 (2012/01/12)


  • [GNP-1149] - Taxon result doesn't display all the taxons.
  • [GNP-1190] - Chrome makes numerous server calls at Synteny startup
  • [GNP-1200] - Navigation buttons shift is erroneous when changing size of ancestral chromosome window


  • [GNP-1185] - Message for gene search displays an erroneous information if gene search text box is modified during search
  • [GNP-1188] - Improve visualization: switch between a new compact view and the classical extended view
  • [GNP-1193] - Use modern chromosome as reference instead of ancestral chromosome when deferred loading is enabled

New Feature

  • [GNP-786] - Display a phylogenetic tree at interface left side, showing relationships between studied organisms
  • [GNP-1099] - Add taxon name near modern chromosomes
  • [GNP-1104] - Allow loading of data concerning different ancestral chromosomes
  • [GNP-1127] - Manage EN/FR locales
  • [GNP-1189] - Order modern chromosomes based on phylogenic proximity with ancestral chromosome


  • [GNP-1002] - Add a graphical element to show that a gene of the selected homology group is out of the window.
  • [GNP-1176] - Release Synteny 0.3.0.
  • [GNP-1259] - Fix Synteny failing tests

Version 0.3.0 (2011/11/10)


  • [GNP-1083] - Deffered loading of genes for chromosomes which have not homolog for reference gene is random
  • [GNP-1098] - Fix Internet Explorer bad behaviour/display
  • [GNP-1102] - Fix test failures.
  • [GNP-1114] - Fix display bugs related to new number of chromosomes
  • [GNP-1171] - Some modern chromosomes can be erroneous when deferred loading is enabled


  • [GNP-1051] - Make *Path use a full Transitive closure.
  • [GNP-1070] - Improve performances for modern chromosome load

New Feature

  • [GNP-1172] - Display a message when a search by name returns no result
  • [GNP-1181] - Allow update of chromosomes size


  • [GNP-999] - Make lines joining homolog genes
  • [GNP-1075] - Release Synteny 0.2.0.

Version 0.2.0 (2011/08/30)


  • [GNP-964] - Update UML and so on for taking in account Chromosome <*,*> AncestralChromosome relationship

New Feature

  • [GNP-789] - Display a sliding window along referent chromosome.

Version 0.1.0 (2011/04/15)