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A prediction service for identifying putative N-terminal targeting sequences

(en français)

Paste your sequence into the space below. The sequence(s) should be in FastA or Genbank format, otherwise the sequence is assumed to be a single untitled raw sequence.

plant sequences (possibility of plastid targeting)animal or fungal sequences (no possibility of plastid targeting)

Please read how to interpret the results from Predotar before making use of the Predotar predictions.

A paper describing Predotar has been published in Proteomics. Supplementary data from the article are available here.

Some of the results obtained using Predotar are presented on this website, including a table of the probabilities of mitochondrial, plastid and ER targeting signals in all of the proteins from Arabidopsis (Release 4 AGI predictions from July 2003), and lists of the predicted mitochondrial and plastid proteins:

Questions about Predotar should be addressed to Ian Small.

This is version 1.04 of Predotar (updated May 2016), which differs in the handling of non-plant sequences.