Genome Browser

Genome browser  


  • JBrowse : Vitis 12X sequence (Assembly 12X.2), annotations (Genoscope, CRIBI V1 and V2.1, VIB, transposable elements) and sequence variations. Note that most of the tracks display annotations performed on the 12X.0 genome assembly that have been transposed on the 12X.2 assembly with an algorithm that uses the shift observed for each scaffold (between the assemblies). The features located between 2 scaffolds have been transposed only when these scaffolds have the same order and orientation in both assemblies.


Synteny Genome browser

  • GBrowse_syn : synteny between Vitis 8X annotation and Vitis 12X annotation (V0).


Other link  

  • The retrieve and annotation of gene families is facilitated in FLAGdb++ .
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