Genetic resources
T. Lacombe INRA
France has a long history and a large experience in the management of grapevine genetic resources. In particular, the Vassal Domain is hosting the worldwide largest germplasm collection and has contributed to the online catalogue of the French grapevine varieties .
The grapevine collections can be queried through GnpIS-Siregal
Other useful links
The European Vitis Database
JKI, Geilweilerhof, Germany
The Vitis International Variety Catalogue
JKI, Geilweilerhof, Germany
National Germplasm Repository - Geneva
USDA, ARS, Cornell University, Plant Genetic Resources Unit, New York State Agricultural Exp. Station, Geneva, New York 14456-0462.
National Germplasm Repository - Davis
USDA, ARS, National Germplasm Repository, University of California, Straloch Road, Davis, California 95616, USA.
- European project for grapevine genetic resources characterisation and conservation: GrapeGen06