Projects list



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Metaprogramme INRA SelGen

Tomato user community is participating to INRA metaprogramm dedicated to genomic selection : goal is to develop a database to manage genomic selection data

GWAS tomato data will be provided to fill the new GnpIS - SG module 

Development in progress: first version planned end of  2014 and new one in 2015 and will be  available through GnpIS portal .

2014 Planned

Tomato Genetic resources planned to be loaded into GnpIS

Data will be available to query on  URGI portal  (genetic ressources) and you will need to ask an account to register (as partner) to query on private data





ANR  GnpAsso

Tomato user community is participating to ANR GnpAsso project : goal is to develop tools to manage GWAS data (database and analysis tools)

GWAS tomato data were provided to fill the new GnpIS - GWAS module (C. Sauvage & al. paper in Plant physiol. 2014)

Visit GnpAsso project page at  URGI web site  and query the GnpIS portal for GWAS and tomato results




2011-2012 URGI bioinformatics platform call

Project goal was to load tomato data in GnpIS, public data useful for partner and private lab data (under restricted access)

Data are available to query on  URGI portal  (genome module) and you need to ask an account to register (as partner) to query on private data

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