IFB (2013-2020) is a project funded by the french investment for the future (investissement d'avenir) infrastructure call. Its objective is to build a national bioinformatics infrastructure composed of several nodes:

  • a national node (IFB-core) having its own head, staff and IT infrastructure and that will serve as the unique entry point for requests of services from the biological community and as the coordinator of the other facilities of the infrastructure.
  • Regional facilities where the methodological and user training know-how is to be found and that currently provide support to projects with biologists in their communities of users.

IFB is the French node of ELIXIR: https://www.elixir-europe.org/.

Web site: http://www.france-bioinformatique.fr/

Duration: 01/10/2012 to 31/12/2019

Coordinator: Jean-François Gibrat

URGI bioinformatics platform is partner of IFB project.

URGI co-coordinates with the Southgreen facility a working group called IFB-Plant and is running several actions concerning Galaxy workflows exchange and database interoperability.

The URGI platform is also involved in the France Genomics infrastructure (https://www.france-genomique.org/) project with the objective to contribute to the development of Galaxy workflows for running and sharing analysis tools.

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