
logo Génoplante GENOPLANTE is a federative programme for plant genomics research in France.

Since its creation in 1999, this programme has made it possible to fund research on the genomes of crop plants (wheat, maize, rice, pea, rapeseed and sunflower) and also on the model genome of the species Arabidopsis. Its objective has also been to support research for the creation of tools for genomic research (BAC libraries, microsatellites, SNP, etc.) or functional genome analysis (collections of insertion mutants, TILLING technology, etc.) or in the field of high throughput biology (tools for analysing the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome, etc.). Over hundred projects have been funded by the ministries of research and agriculture during the two first phases.

A new initiative was launched in April 2005 to maintain the competitiveness of French research in this strategic field to the year 2010 . This initiative, called GENOPLANTE 2010 , is to last for six years and involves seven members working together on the basis of fair cooperation between the private and public sectors:

  • From the public sector: INRA, CNRS, CIRAD and IRD.
  • From the private sector: BIOGEMMA, ARVALIS Institut du Végétal (Arvalis plant institute) and SOFIPROTEOL.

This programme is now supported by the French national research agency (ANR: Agence Nationale de la Recherche) which calls for projects and takes funding decisions. The annual budget that was announced for the programme for the next few years is in the region of 30 M euros, including 12 M euros in the form of grants from the ANR. GENOPLANTE 2010 is focusing on four strategic objectives:

  • To determine and then validate gene function on a large scale in crop species that are cultivated in France (wheat, maize, rapeseed, sunflower and pea crops) in order to:
    1. improve the quality and safety of agricultural products;
    2. minimise the impact on the environment, in particular by reducing inputs;
    3. increase the agricultural productivity of crop species and their tolerance to climatic variation.
  • To promote widely the use of the tools that have already been developed, and to develop new technologies, in particular in the fields where France is still lagging behind, such as proteomics and metabolomics research.
  • To broaden research and its applications to other important species for which professionals have expressed an interest, for example tomato, potato, grape, trees, cocoa and coffee.
  • To build a genuine partnership at the European level, so that GENOPLANTE can be an important link in the construction of a European biotechnology and plant genomics platform, and to seek new reciprocal alliances at the international level (with Canada, China, USA and Australia).

The programme also aims to increase the efficiency of its policy to protect and exploit results , while still sharing its findings through publication in high quality international journals. The essential aim of the SAS GENOPLANTE VALOR, which was set up in 2001 as an equal partnership between public and private members, is to own, manage and exploit the patent rights of the results obtained from the GENOPLANTE programme.

GENOPLANTE 2010 is an open programme , which aims to encourage joint research projects between both public (European projects etc.) and private partners and participate in ERA-PG.

URGI contact for Genoplante data integration in GnpIS, tools development and partnership: Delphine Steinbach

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