CNV4Sel is a project funded in the frame of the SelGen Metaprogram which purpose is to set up strategies for Copy Number Variations (CNV) discovery in animal and plant species and their use in breeding.

Project funding: INRA (metaprogramme SelGen)

Duration: 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2018.

Coordinator(s): Dominique Rocha (UMR1313, GABI) & Stéphane Nicolas (UMR0320, GQE).   

Summary of the project: The aim of the CNV4Sel project is mostly to establish a network of scientists interested in studying the impact of CNVs. This network will, initially, include colleagues working on four animal (cattle, chicken, goat and sheep) and four plant (grapevine, maize, poplar and wheat) species. This scientific network will address issues on how to (1) identify CNVs, (2) experimentally validate CNVs and (3) study the putative effects of some of these polymorphisms on agronomical traits. Several methods to identify in silico and validate experimentally subsets of CNVs will be tested and compared. Data from different animal and plant species will be assayed to benchmark the different tools and techniques. Expected outcomes will be some validated CNVs for few species and a set of recommendations on how to choose the most appropriate tools/methods. In addition, bioinformatics pipelines and workflows for CNV identification and analyses will be developed and made publicly-available. Databases hosting animal and plant CNV data will also be set up/improved.


URGI involvement: in this project the plateforme URGI has an important contribution in the WP4 (Data and tools dissemination). URGI (Nacer Mohellibi) co-leads this workpackage with UR0875 (MIAT). URGI will focus on the development of a plant CNV database by adapting GnpIS and the plant genome browsers to host CNV (data and analyses metatata).

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