06 Nov 2015 Training on forest tree data exploration in GnpIS

This training is set up in the frame of the "Forest tree GnpIS" project . The aim is to present how to explore forest tree data in GnpIS, then let the participants do their own testing when trying to respond to their own research questions.


3 sessions will be held:

Date: 2015, November 6th
Location: INRA Orléans
Trainer: Célia Michotey (INRA URGI), François Ehrenmann (INRA BIOGECO)
Participants: 12 INRA scientists

Date: 2016, February 10th
Location: INRA Pierroton
Trainer: Célia Michotey (INRA URGI), François Ehrenmann (INRA BIOGECO)
Participants: 10 INRA scientists

Date: 2016, February 25th
Location: INRA Avignon
Trainer: Célia Michotey (INRA URGI)
Participants: 5 INRA scientists

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