Data submission
General instructions to submit data.
Submission of complete genetic resources
Submission of accessions, taxons, collections, institutions for crops
Use the excel file to submit your data:
- Excel file : Submit_GeneticResources.xlsx
- Submit your data file using the submission interface
Submission of accessions, taxons, collections, institutions for forest trees
To submit your data:
- Fill this excel file : Submit_GeneticResources_EFPA.xlsx
- If needed, use the Woody Plant Ontology
to declare your variables:
- Excel file: WoodyPlantOntology_v*.xls
- Ontology tree: Woody Plant Ontology (CO_357)
- Submit your data file using the submission interface
Submission of plant material (accessions, lots, structures, kinships)
Use the excel file to submit your data:
- Excel file : Submit_PlantMaterial.xlsx
- Submit your data file using the submission interface