International,  INV (invited talks)

ISMB/ECCB 2011 , July 17-19 2011, Vienna Austria

19 Jul 2011   Development of a workflow for SNP detection in grapevine species: MAPHiTS.

A Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) is a DNA sequence variation. It can be used as a marker to characterize genetic variations. They can be used to detect complex traits such as those involved in diseases resistance or agronomical performance. The URGI platform developed a workflow for SNPs detection from short reads (MAPHiTS: Mapping Analysis Pipeline for High-Throughput Sequences), integrated in the Galaxy workflow manager. Galaxy allows, through a web page, to chain different tools graphically. In addition, a large number of workflows can be built and shared. MAPHiTS workflow is able to deliver all SNPs and small indels found in the data set and to filter them according to various parameters such as the genome coverage, the allele frequency and pValue.

Keywords: MAPHiTS Workflow SNP Galaxy
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