International,  ACL (papers with reading comittee) 01 Jan 2003   GenoPlante-Info (GPI): a collection of databases and bioinformatics resources for plant genomics.

Samson D (Steinbach), Legeai F, Karsenty E, Reboux S, Veyrieras JB, Just J, Barillot E.



Génoplante is a partnership program between public French institutes (INRA, CIRAD, IRD and CNRS) and private companies (Biogemma, Bayer CropScience and Bioplante) that aims at developing genome analysis programs for crop species (corn, wheat, rapeseed, sunflower and pea) and model plants (Arabidopsis and rice). The outputs of these programs form a wealth of information (genomic sequence, transcriptome, proteome, allelic variability, mapping and synteny, and mutation data) and tools (databases, interfaces, analysis software), that are being integrated and made public at the public bioinformatics resource centre of Génoplante: GénoPlante-Info (GPI). This continuous flood of data and tools is regularly updated and will grow continuously during the coming two years. Access to the GPI databases and tools is available at http://genoplante-info.infobiogen.fr/.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 Jan 1;31(1):179-82. PMID : 12519976

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