04 Feb 2019
Manual curation of Transposable element annotation
URGI organizes a BYOD-style (Bring Your Own Data) training course on manual curation of transposable elements reference sequences obtained with REPET pipelines.
URGI INRA, Versailles, France
Bat 18 Route de SaintCyr RD10, 78026 Versailles Cedex
For pre-registration, please fill the form before December 26, 2018, we will answer you before January 3rd, 2019:
Preliminary program
Day 1:
- Presentation of REPET outputs of TEdenovo and TEannot pipelines needed to curate the consensus library
- Presentation of tools used to assist curation/validation of TE consensus
- Presentation of use cases
Day 2 and 3
- Practice on your data or a set of precomputed data
- You have already launched TEdenovo and TEannot pipelines using REPET version 2.5
- The MySQL database is still alive
- You have already participated to a TE annotation training (@URGI or in the frame of an Elixir Genome assembly and annotation Course)In this case we’ll provide you a precomputed dataset for the training
150 € (Payment modalities will be sent once registration accepted)
A maximum of ten participants will be accepted