04 Feb 2019 Manual curation of Transposable element annotation

URGI organizes a BYOD-­style (Bring Your Own Data) training course on manual curation of transposable elements reference sequences obtained with REPET pipelines.

URGI ­ INRA, Versailles, France
Bat 18 ­ Route de Saint­Cyr ­ RD10, 78026 Versailles Cedex

For pre-registration, please fill the form before December 26, 2018, we will answer you before January 3rd, 2019:

Preliminary program
Day 1:

  • Presentation of REPET outputs of TEdenovo and TEannot pipelines needed to curate the consensus library
  • Presentation of tools used to assist curation/validation of TE consensus
  • Presentation of use cases

Day 2 and 3

  • Practice on your data or a set of precomputed data


  • You have already launched TEdenovo and TEannot pipelines using REPET version 2.5
  • The MySQL database is still alive


  • You have already participated to a TE annotation training (@URGI or in the frame of an Elixir Genome assembly and annotation Course)In this case we’ll provide you a precomputed dataset for the training


  150 € (Payment modalities will be sent once registration accepted)

A maximum of ten participants will be accepted

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