13 Nov 2015
GnpIS version 15.2 is available
Major news include:
- RepetDB, the Repeats intermine database is available and includes :
- INRA Small Grain Cereals Network Phenotypic data are publicly available (11 locations and 15 years for more than 1700 bread wheat genotypes)
- Forest tree phenotypic , genotypic and genetic mapping data are available for Salicaceae.
- Wheat 3B chromosome annotations are available in JBrowse. Physical Maps (2B, 2D, 4B, 5BL, 5D, 6B, 146Dv2) are publicly available in GBrowse .
- Improved Genotyping Interface allowing to download original and customized genotyping matrix.
- Improved multi year Phenotypic data management with availability of long time series for Vitis .
- News Cereals v2 synteny data is now available online via the Plant Synteny Viewer interface