Nimblegen oligos"Mapping of oligo designed by Nimblegen. array_gene=Gene model used by nimblegen to design oligos. Gene models are Botrytis T4 genes, B0510 genes not in T4, and EST not mapping genes, max_over_threshold=highest value of (hybridization_intensity/Hybridization_threshold), max_over_threshold=1 means that the highest value is equal to the threshold, min_over_threshold=lowest value of (hybridization_intensity/Hybridization_threshold), min_over_threshold=1 means that the lowest value is equal to the threshold, percent_hyb_over_threshold=percentage of hybridizations where measure is over the threshold, flag_cross_hyb_gene=1 if potential cross hybridization with another gene of the set is expected flag_cross_hyb_organism=1 if cross hybridization with another organism in the sample is observed" |