Study : Two unequally redundant 'helper' immune receptor families mediate Arabidopsis intracellular 'sensor' immune receptor functions
Two unequally redundant 'helper' immune receptor families mediate Arabidopsis intracellular 'sensor' immune receptor functions
Investigate the function of RNLs in transcriptional reprogramming during Pf0-1-induced PTI and ETI, using time-resolved transcriptomics. To do so we subjected Col-0, adr1 triple, nrg1.1 nrg1.2 and helperless mutants to infections with Pf0-EV (RNL-(in)dependent PTI), Pf0-AvrRps4 (fully RNL-dependent ETI + PTI), Pf0-AvrRpt2 (partial RNL-dependent ETI + PTI) or Pf0-AvrRpm1 (RNL-independent ETI + PTI). Overall design: Time resolved transcriptomics (T0, 0.5h, 4h and 8h) of 4 Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes (Col-0, nrg1.1 nrg1.2 , adr1 triple and helperless) infiltrated with 4 bacterial treatments (Pf0-EV (RNL-(in)dependent PTI), Pf0-AvrRps4 (fully RNL-dependent ETI + PTI), Pf0-AvrRpt2 (partial RNL-dependent ETI + PTI) or Pf0-AvrRpm1 (RNL-independent ETI + PTI))
Data files
- SRR11934688
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- ERZ1727211
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