Study : High-Density Genetic Map Construction and QTLs Identification for Heat Stress Tolerance in Chickpea Using Next-Generation Double-Digest Restriction-Site-Associated DNA Sequencing (ddRADseq)

High-Density Genetic Map Construction and QTLs Identification for Heat Stress Tolerance in Chickpea Using Next-Generation Double-Digest Restriction-Site-Associated DNA Sequencing (ddRADseq)
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is highly affected by heat stress, particularly at the reproductive stage. Mapping of heat stress tolerance related traits will accelerate breeding heat tolerant cultivars under changing climatic conditions. For this purpose, a RIL mapping population, derived from an inter-specific cross GPF 2 (heat tolerant) X C. reticulatum acc ILWC 292 (heat sensitive), was evaluated at Ludhiana and Faridkot locations in India. SNP genotyping data were generated using ddRAD-Seq. Phenotypic data were used to calculate best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) using residual maximum likelihood algorithm (REML) for mapping QTLs under heat stress conditions.
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