Study : PIF7 DNA binding in response to long days with daily oscillating temperatures in Arabidopsis thaliana


PIF7 DNA binding in response to long days with daily oscillating temperatures in Arabidopsis thaliana
This study aimed to characterise the genome-wide PIF7-mediated responses of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings to long photoperiods with a warm 27°C midday in comparison to long photoperiods at constant 17°C. Transcriptomic responses were observed in Col-0 wild-type and pif7-1 loss-of-function mutants investigate the potential contribution of the transcription factor PIF7 to the warm temperature response under the described conditions. In parallel, ChIP-seq of a PIF7-MYC-expressing line under the same conditions was employed to investigate global DNA binding changes of PIF7 in response to a change in temperature. Overall design: Single experiments at different growth conditions. Sample 186CS12 has been included for its superior efficiency while 192C series shows better differential binding.


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