Study : Response of cv. Rywal, and two transgenic lines NahG-Rywal and shRBOHD to PVYN-Wilga infection


Response of cv. Rywal, and two transgenic lines NahG-Rywal and shRBOHD to PVYN-Wilga infection
RNA-Seq of mock and PVYN-Wilga inoculated samples to study the transcriptional response of potato to viral infection in the cell death zone (pool A) and surrounding tissue (pool B) in different genetic backgrounds. Potato cv. Rywal reacts to the virus by hypersensitive response (HR), where spot necroses that limit the virus at the site of virus entry are formed. NahG-Rywal plants, compromised in salicylic acid accumulation, develop necrotic lesions that do not limit viral spread and show delayed defense response. shRBOHD plant with silenced RBOHD gene are not able to arrest the virus spread. Overall design: For RNA-seq, early visible lesions were sampled from PVYN-Wilga-inoculated leaves of Rywal, NahG-Rywal and shRBOHD-Rywal plants. 30 tissue sections of the lesion (A) and its immediate surrounding (B) were collected and pooled separately (pool A, pool B). For mock (control samples), cca 300 leaf sections were pooled together. Samples were collected from second bottom inoculated leaves from three plants (three biological replicates).


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