Study : Genome-wide study of ONAC127 and ONAC129 regulatory network in rice caryopsis


Genome-wide study of ONAC127 and ONAC129 regulatory network in rice caryopsis
ONAC127 and ONAC129 are NAC transcription factors that involved in abiotic stress response and play key regulatory roles in apoplasmic transportation during rice caryopsis filling. To reveal the transcription regulatory network of ONAC127 and ONAC129 in rice caryopsis, we performed genome-wide identification of ONAC127 and ONAC129 targets by immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) analyses in the overexpression lines of ONAC127 and ONAC129 under natural heat stress(H) and normal cultivation condition(N) with three technical replicates. Overall design: Genome-wide identification binding sites of ONAC127 and ONAC129 in the caryopsis of overexpression lines under natural heat stress and normal cultivation condition. Examination of 7 days after pollination (DAP) rice caryopsis of ONAC127-FLAG (OX127) and ONAC129-FLAG (OX129) with FLAG antibody.


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