Study : Transcriptomic analysis of four different subtypes of ubc22 mutant plants


Transcriptomic analysis of four different subtypes of ubc22 mutant plants
Transcriptomic analysis showed that transcript levels of genes related to several pathways were altered differently in the different subtypes of plants. In one subtype, the mutant plants had increased expression of genes related to pathogen defense and showed enhanced resistance to a plant pathogen. Overall design: Analysis of differentiate expression genes in four subtypes of ubc22 mutant plants. Based on leaf size, shape and color, these mutant plants (pregeny plants from the same parent mutant) can be categorized into four subtypes: (1) Type I: similar to WT; (2) Type II: plants with wider and rounder leaves; (3) Type III: narrow and long leaves with pale color; (4) Type IV: small plants with serrated leaves.


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