Study : Genetic networks regulating structure and function of the maize shoot apical meristem
Genetic networks regulating structure and function of the maize shoot apical meristem
The shoot apical meristem (SAM) of plants, a specialized stem cell niche at the growing shoot tip, integrates developmental and environmental signals to direct the initiation and patterning of new organs such as leaves. Its activity throughout the plants lifetime is tightly controlled. To gain insight into gene regulatory networks behind stem cell maintenance and organogenesis, we generated a high-resolution gene expression atlas of distinct domains and cell types within the vegetative shoot apex of 14 day-old maize B73 seedlings using laser microdissection and RNA deep sequencing. Data for 9 domains was previously released under SRA: SRP101301. This release adds data for biological duplicate samples collected for the SAM central zone, and the adaxial and abaxial sides of leaf primordia. Overall design: Bulk RNA sequencing for maize shoot apices. 2x replicates center zone of shoot apex, 2x replicates abaxial sides of leaf primordia, and 2x replciates adaxial sides of leaf primordia
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