Study : Oryza sativa breed:Indica | cultivar:Zhenshan 97, Minghui63, F1 Transcriptome or Gene expression


Oryza sativa breed:Indica | cultivar:Zhenshan 97, Minghui63, F1 Transcriptome or Gene expression
Utilization of heterosis has greatly increased productivity of many crops globally. Allele-specific expression (ASE) has been suggested as a mechanism for causing heterosis. We performed a genome-wide analysis of ASE in three tissues of an elite rice hybrid grown under four conditions. The analysis identified 3,270 genes showing various patterns of ASE in response to developmental and environmental cues, which provides a glimpse of the ASE landscape in the hybrid genome. We showed that the ASE patterns may have distinct implications in the genetic basis of heterosis, especially in light of the classical dominance and overdominance hypotheses. The genes showing ASE provide the candidates for future studies of the genetic and molecular mechanism of heterosis.


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