Study : Genome-wide analysis of coding and long non-coding RNAs involved in cabbage cuticular wax biosynthesis


Genome-wide analysis of coding and long non-coding RNAs involved in cabbage cuticular wax biosynthesis
We report the application of high-throughput RNA sequencing for comparing the expression levels of the coding and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in leaf samples from a glossy mutant nwgl and its wild-type (WT) in cabbage. By obtaining over 163.35 Gb cleaned data generated from six libraries (on average, more than 26.48 Gb clean data for each sample replicate), we identified 1247 differential expressed genes (DEGs) and 148 differential expressed lncRNAs in nwgl leaves relative to WT. Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis revealed that the DEGs and cis-regulated target genes for differential expressed lncRNAs were significantly enriched in wax and lipid biosynthetic and/or metabolic processes. Our results provide the novel foundation to explore the complex molecular basis of cuticular wax biosynthesis. Overall design: Identification of differential expressed coding and long noncoding RNAs between a glossy mutant nwgl and its wild-tye (WT).


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