Study : Humulus lupulus var. lupulus cultivar:Osvald 72 Transcriptome or Gene expression
Humulus lupulus var. lupulus cultivar:Osvald 72 Transcriptome or Gene expression
Hop (Humulus lupulus L., Cannabaceae) is a dioecious, twining perennial flowering plant, native to Europe, western Asia and North America. The terminal step of biosynthesis of prenylated flavonoids in hop cones is mediated by chalcone synthase CHS_H1, prenyltransferase (Prt) and O-methyltransferase 1 (omt1) enzymes. Recently, we have shown that lupulin gland-specific transcription factor HlWRKY1, close homologue of AtWRKY75 in the binary combination of WD40 repeat protein1 (HlWDR1) activate the promoters of genes (HlOmt1, HlChs_H1, HlPrt1(2) and HlVps) involved in the final steps of prenylflavonoid (PF) and bitter acid (BA) biosynthesis pathway. In the present study, transgenic hop lines (WW) constitutively expressing HlWDR1 and HlWRKY1 transcription factors have been developed and using high-throughput RNA-Seq technology, leaf transcriptome was analysed
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