Study : Transcriptional charecterization of the eds4 mutant transcriptome

Transcriptional charecterization of the eds4 mutant transcriptome
The aim of this study was to perform a transcriptional characterization of the Arabidopsis eds4 mutant. To this end two separate experiments were performed: Experiment 1: comparison of the transcriptional profile (RNA-seq) of eds4 Arabidopsis mutants in contrast to wild type Col-0 accession grown under continuous light conditions. Experiment 2: Analysis of the distribution of transcripts (RNA-seq) between nucleus and cytoplasm in the eds4 Arabidopsis mutants in comparison to wild type Col-0 plants grown under continuous light conditions. Overall design: In both experiments eds4 mutant plants were grown together with Col-0 wild type plants for two weeks under continuous white light (50 μmol·m−2·s−1 ) at 22 degrees centigrade. For the transcriptional profiling of eds4, whole seedling RNA extraction was performed and analyzed using RNA-seq. For the transcript distribution assay whole cell RNA was also extracted in some of the samples and in others nuclei were first purified using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) in order to obtain nucleus only RNA and later on compare nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA by RNA-seq.
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