Study : Evolution of Portulacineae marked by gene tree conflict and gene family exmpasion associated with adaptation to harsh environments


Evolution of Portulacineae marked by gene tree conflict and gene family exmpasion associated with adaptation to harsh environments


Accession number Name Taxon
DBG 1939 Lophocereus gatesii not collected
DBG 1941 Stetsonia coryne not collected
DBG 1950 Echinopsis aurea not collected
DBG 1956 Alluaudia procera not collected
DBG 1974 Alluaudia humbertii not collected
DBG 1984 Didierea trollii not collected
DBG 1987 Alluaudia dumosa not collected
DBG 1989 Coryphantha maiz-tablasensis not collected
DBG 1990 Stenocereus yunckeri not collected
DBG 1995 Ariocarpus retusus not collected
DBG 1996 Didierea madagascariensis not collected
DBG 1997 Copiapoa desertorum not collected
DBG 2001 Salmiopuntia salmiana not collected
DBG 2004 Maihueniopsis conoidea not collected
DBG 2005 Opuntia bravoana not collected
DBG 2012 Astrophytum asterias not collected
MSB 0197698 Glinus lotoides not collected
MSB 0467649 Pharnaceum exiguum not collected
MSB 0467650 Suessenguthiella caespitosa not collected
SSZ 90 Portulacaria pygmaea not collected