Study : Linum usitatissimum cultivar:T-397 Transcriptome or Gene expression

Linum usitatissimum cultivar:T-397 Transcriptome or Gene expression
Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is globally important dual purpose industrial crop cultivated for high quality fibre (linen) and seed oil. It was the most important source for textile yarns until the 18th century when cotton took over it in demand. The flax stem is the main source of cellulose rich bast fibre, used by textile industries for production of linen clothes. Its seed (linseed) oil is beneficial for human health owing to the presence of high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Also, the oil of linseed is used in preparation of many industrial solvents. It belongs to the family Linaceae and is a self-pollinating annual diploid plant with 30 chromosomes (2n=30), and a relatively small genome size. Recent developments in plant genomics and the availability of microarray and RNAseq technology make it possible to better understand the complex relation between genes. However, very little is known about genes expression in flax. Advancing this knowledge and comparison of gene expression profiles and gene sequences would provide new insights into molecular genomics of flax. This will lead to new targets for breeding to accomplish a break-through for alternative crops for fibre such as flax. The present investigation was carried out to find out the gene expression a pattern in an Indian flax cultivar (T-397) to find out panoply of transcription factor, genes, and regulatory RNAs in flax physiology and development.
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Accession number | Name | Taxon |